Monday, August 22, 2011


Oh how I just love this little man!

So for any of you who don't know the back story:
I did not grow up with dogs and I do (well did) not like them - not really even small dogs. Well, okay some dogs were cute, but definitely not big dogs. So anyways of course my husband LOVES dogs and the great debate began - when were we going to get a dog?

I was lucky that the first year we were married our landlord did not allow pets, but as soon as we moved into a house it was "when are we getting a dog?!" I'll admit I wanted a dog but not the kind Alex had in mind! I wanted a cute, little dog and Alex wanted a big dog. We thought we would compromise on a medium sized dog until one fateful afternoon I started researching labs - I know weird. Well I decided that if we had to have a big dog a lab was a good fit. Alex was fairly convinced I'd fall in love with our puppy and then be okay when he grew big, but there was still a little uneasiness that things would not go well.

So what happened when we found this little guy?! I fell in love that's what! Alex (and myself) was so surprised at how easy I fell in love with little Miles. This is from when we first picked him up - he was a sleepy pup!
I mean really? How could you not?

Anyways the other day I was thinking - wow I really love Miles! And of course I really love Alex and I really love my family and friends, but it is a new kind of love (not that those other loves are the same...that'd be weird). Like how I probably will love my future child. And I've decided that's weird and kind of ridiculous and also kind of scary! I think being a parent is probably really crazy-scary (and yeah, yeah really great too!) But like how do you not worry about your child all the time? Anyways I guess I'll find out sooner or later, but right now I'm good with just being Mile's mommy :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you fell in love with your cute pup :) They're so irresistible! Hopefully I can meet him some time! I don't know what I'd do with out my pets- they are my babies until I have real babies!!
