Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Why I Hate Winter

Now don't get me wrong, I love a good cold Christmas-snow makes it a plus as long as you can get to where your going. I love snuggling with my hubby on New Year's Eve; I'll even take it as far back as a nice cold Thanksgiving so I can wear a my cute tights, but that is where it stops. After New Year's Eve I say "goodbye Winter, hello Spring!!!" Here are my top 10 reasons why Spring is better than Winter:

1. I have much cuter Spring clothes than Winter clothes.
2. I can run OUTSIDE instead of on a treadmill.
3. PICNICS!!! Alex and I can go to the park and not be worried about freezing are booties off.
4. Springtime outdoor activities cost way less than Winter ones- ski lift tickets are nuts! Hiking and swimming? Free :)
5. I don't have to get up earlier to de-ice my car.
6. I don't have to get up earlier to put on more layers. And even though I am not a parent yet I can bet all of you out there hate having to take 20 extra minutes to put 12 layers more layers on your child you know... "just in case."
7. I don't have to plan out what I am wearing before I take a shower so I don't immediately freeze after leaving the toasty-warm shower.
8. My hair lightens up a bit-I don't die my hair and I like it when it is in it's Spring/Summer stage more than yucky, weird, winter hair.
9. I don't look like a ghost- I also don't tan so in the Springtime I have some color to me instead of basically being transparent.
10. My skin does not dry out and I don't look like I have OCD from washing my hands too much (except I've kind of figured this one out this year-I put lotion on my hands before I go to bed because I read your skin heals better while you sleep)! Still, I sometimes forget :(

Who else likes Spring more than Winter???


  1. I am right there with ya in the transparent department. Haha! And I do lotion on my hands at night too! Seems to help alot! I agree, hurry up Spring!

  2. ME!!! I am trying to embrace the snow, i really am. But man I am so ready for spring, better yet, summer!

  3. Ladies, I'm so glad we feel the same way!!!
